Saturday, November 1, 2014

October month in numbers [+ a very belated September one!]...

Hello, hello,
As I don't write much on my blog, and as you can see I am 9 days late for my latest MinN post, it came as a bit of a shock to see that I had missed out September too. 
I was sure I had done it. I checked my laptop, iPad and iPhone to see if it appeared on any of them as obviously it must be a technology error not a human one. Only when I came to write it out again did it appear. In draft format. I had done it and even scheduled it but it never posted. Told you. Technology error. NOT a human one!

Anyway moving swiftly on [as swiftly as you can when you're 9 days late!]

3: The number of hours it took the floor fitters to fit my new kitchen floor and fix the back bedroom carpet while they were here. Yay for new kitchen floors. It is nearly complete now 4 months after it was started. I'm still waiting for my cabinet handles to come back into stock but that's the finishing touch.

1: The number of days a wore my new hat. It's not exactly new as Mum bought me it quite a while ago but this is the first time it had had an outing. I got lots of compliments so I shall probably be wearing it a lot more if we ever get any more cold days.

10 degrees: The average temperature for October in Carlisle. Hardly chilly yet, despite the dark nights rolling in. It was warm enough to trick or treat without a coat. Not that I did. I locked the door and turned the lights out! Even though I was a Halloween humbug I had 0 trick or treaters.

2 [or 3 if you want to be generous]: The number of knitting projects started. I started and completed 2 mittens in 2 nights with wool I bought on a recent crafting weekend away. I know mittens should count as 1 project but with my knitting past I'm claiming as many as I can in one go! The second project is from one of my vintage knitting books and it a 'close fitting hat'. It's nearly done, honest. Then I'll go back to that sock I started in 2000 and something...

9: The number of crafty people whom I spent a weekend with in the Yorkshire dales. After I arrived in one piece. The cottage is in the middle of nowhere with tiny lanes to drive down and in my new car I couldn't find how to keep full beam on so was driving whilst holding it on and hoping I wouldn't end up in a hedge [again] but after about 30 mins of this awful driving I made it in one piece and finally exhaled. 
The scenery at the 'new, new' cottage is beautiful, just right for a brisk walk. 'Go outside?!' No, we stayed in the whole weekend apart from the biannual trip to the craft shop where me and Julie stole Sid's seat in the car because 'we always go with Jan'. Can't be breaking tradition now can we?

2 and a bit months early: The first Christmas dinner of the year. I helped Jean to prepare the veg and in true OCD style I had to count out how many sprouts each of us could have. It turns out the if there are 9 people eating and they all want sprouts and you have 2 bags the majority can have 6 whilst special people can have 7. 

So that's it for Octobers MinN. If you would like to know more about this numerical round up then pop over to Julie's blog and read all about it. Or visit Julie's Pinterest boards where you can find all the participants.

Unitl next month [on time!]

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